Produkt zum Begriff Begin:
Begin Again
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Preis: 19.99 € | Versand*: 6.99 € -
Begin to Code: Building apps and games in the Cloud
Become a cloud developer and have fun doing it! This full-color guide will help you start creating cloud-based apps and games fast, even if you've never done it before. Not just friendly and easy, it puts you in control of your own learning and empowers you to solve problems you care about. Microsoft and author Rob Miles have reinvented the introductory tutorial, reflecting deep research into how newcomers learn. Begin to Code is packed with innovations, from debugging challenges to step-by-step Make Something Happen exercises replicated as YouTube videos linked directly from the book. Miles puts code in context, showing how modern cloud applications are deployed and run, how their elements combine into working systems, and how key cloud technologies help you address security, reliability, and scalability. Easy, friendly, and you're in control! Learn how to Recognize what's unique about cloud-based software and why JavaScript is ideal for developing them Move JavaScript code onto the cloud, and add programmed behavior to web pages Create active sites and generate dynamic web content Use the Node.js framework to write programs that run on servers and respond to browser requests Build shared applications that use services and JSON data transfer Host and optimize shared game experiences in the cloud Consider ethical and privacy issues as you design new cloud apps and services Streamline and improve cloud development with Express Framework, node package manager, and Git Use professional techniques to deliver reliable, secure, and well performing solutions Build cloud-hosted programs that interact with file stores and databases Configure and deploy a working application, step by step Get started with cloud-based Internet of Things (IoT) development About This Book For beginners who've never written code for the cloud For anyone who's been frustrated with other beginning programming books or courses For people who've started out in other environments and now want to code for the cloud
Preis: 34.23 € | Versand*: 0 € -
ZOMBIES - Begin Here
(2013/Repertoire) 14 tracks LP Cover handgefertigt im Retro-Look: Das 2-teilige Cover ist handverklebt, wie es in den 60er Jahren bei der Herstellung von LPs üblich war. Auch die hochwertige Innenhülle ist foliert und im Gesamterscheinungsbild sieht die LP genau so aus, als wäre sie vor 40 oder 5...
Preis: 27.95 € | Versand*: 5.99 € -
Begin Again. Fail Better
Begin Again. Fail Better , Begin Again. Fail Better: Preliminary Drawings in Architecture engages with one of the principal activities of the architect in the process of design: drawing by hand. It explores the act of designing through a focus on beginnings. Architects try, fail, try again, fail better until they start to move in the direction that ultimately becomes a building-or not. This book brings together 199 preliminary architecture drawings. More than 50 contemporary Swiss architecture firms each contributed two pieces that reveal something of their individual approach and understanding of architecture. This selection is enhanced by historical works by Swiss and European architects that come from four significant British and Swiss archival collections, dating from the 20th and back to the 16th century. The illustrations are complemented by essays providing a critical and historical framework, as well as a conversation engaging with the conditions and importance of failure within the design process. Brief interludes by international architects, archivists and teachers, introducing a range of perspectives, round out this beautiful volume. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen
Preis: 48.00 € | Versand*: 0 €
Was sind die wichtigsten Prinzipien des Fairplay im Sport?
Die wichtigsten Prinzipien des Fairplay im Sport sind Respekt, Ehrlichkeit und Fairness gegenüber Gegnern, Schiedsrichtern und Zuschauern. Fairplay bedeutet auch, Regeln zu respektieren und sich an sie zu halten, sowie sportliches Verhalten und Teamgeist zu zeigen. Fairplay fördert den Spaß am Sport, Fairness und Respekt sind daher unverzichtbar für ein positives und respektvolles Miteinander im Sport.
Was sind die wichtigsten Prinzipien von Fairplay im Sport?
Die wichtigsten Prinzipien von Fairplay im Sport sind Respekt, Fairness und Ehrlichkeit. Spieler sollten ihre Gegner respektieren, Regeln einhalten und sich sportlich verhalten, unabhhängig vom Ergebnis des Spiels. Fairplay fördert den Spaß am Sport und den Respekt unter den Spielern.
Welche Vorbereitungen müssen Athleten treffen, um sich auf einen Wettkampf vorzubereiten?
Athleten müssen ihre körperliche Fitness durch regelmäßiges Training verbessern. Sie sollten sich mental auf den Wettkampf vorbereiten, indem sie sich Ziele setzen und sich auf positive Gedanken konzentrieren. Außerdem ist es wichtig, die richtige Ernährung und ausreichend Schlaf zu haben, um optimal leistungsfähig zu sein.
Was versteht man unter Fairplay im Sport und wie kann Fairplay dazu beitragen, das Spiel- und Wettkampferlebnis für alle Beteiligten zu verbessern?
Fairplay im Sport bedeutet, Regeln einzuhalten, Respekt gegenüber Gegnern und Schiedsrichtern zu zeigen und faire Chancen für alle zu gewährleisten. Fairplay trägt dazu bei, dass alle Spielerinnen und Spieler die gleichen Bedingungen haben und das Spiel in einem respektvollen und fairen Umfeld stattfindet. Durch Fairplay wird das Spiel- und Wettkampferlebnis für alle Beteiligten positiv beeinflusst und der Sport wird als fairer Wettbewerb wahrgenommen.
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Jeffers, Oliver: Begin Again
Begin Again , A powerful, thoughtful and bold comment on humanity and its future from one of today's most thought-provoking artists. , >
Preis: 20.46 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Begin to Code with C#
Become a C# programmer—and have fun doing it!Start writing software that solves real problems, even if you have absolutely no programming experience! This friendly, easy, full-color book puts you in total control of your own learning, empowering you to build unique and useful programs. Microsoft has completely reinvented the beginning programmer’s tutorial, reflecting deep research into how today’s beginners learn, and why other books fall short. Begin to Code with C# is packed with innovations, from its “Snaps” prebuilt operations to its “Make Something Happen” projects. Whether you’re a total beginner or you’ve tried before, this guide will put the power, excitement, and fun of programming where it belongs: in your hands! Easy, friendly, and you’re in control! Learn how to…• Get the free tools you need to create modern programs• Work with 150 sample programs that illustrate important concepts• Use the sample programs as starting points for your own programs• Explore exactly what happens when a program runs• Approach program development with a professional perspective• Use powerful productivity shortcuts built into Microsoft Visual Studio• Master classes, interfaces, methods, and other essential concepts• Organize programs so they’re easy to construct and improve• Capture and respond to user input• Store and manipulate many types of real-world data• Create interactive games that are fun to play• Build modern interfaces your users will love• Test and debug your code—and avoid problems in the first place
Preis: 24.6 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Begin to Code with Python
Become a Python programmer–and have fun doing it! Start writing software that solves real problems, even if you have absolutely no programming experience! This friendly, easy, full-color book puts you in total control of your own learning, empowering you to build unique and useful programs. Microsoft has completely reinvented the beginning programmer’s tutorial, reflecting deep research into how today’s beginners learn, and why other books fall short. Begin to Code with Python is packed with innovations, from its “Snaps” prebuilt operations to its “Make Something Happen” projects. Whether you’re a total beginner or you’ve tried before, this guide will put the power, excitement, and fun of programming where it belongs: in your hands! Easy, friendly, and you’re in control! Learn how to… Get, install, and use powerful free tools to create modern Python programsLearn key concepts from 170 sample programs, and use them to jumpstart your ownDiscover exactly what happens when a program runsApproach program development with a professional perspectiveLearn the core elements of the Python languageBuild more complex software with classes, methods, and objectsOrganize programs so they’re easy to build and improveCapture and respond to user inputStore and manipulate many types of real-world dataDefine custom data types to solve specific problemsCreate interactive games that are fun to playBuild modern web and cloud-based applicationsUse pre-built libraries to quickly create powerful software Get code samples, including complete apps, at: About This Book For absolute beginners who’ve never written a line of codeFor anyone who’s been frustrated with other beginning programming books or coursesFor people who’ve started out with other languages and now want to learn PythonWorks with Windows PC, Apple Mac, Linux PC, or Raspberry PiIncludes mapping of MTA exam objectives that are covered in this book, as well as an appendix with further explanation of some of the topics on the exam
Preis: 32.09 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Begin to Code with JavaScript
This full-colour book will inspire you to start solving problems and creating programs with JavaScript, even if you have absolutely no programming experience. Its not just friendly and easy: its the first JavaScript beginners guide that puts you in control of your own learning, and empowers you to build unique programs to solve problems you care about. Microsoft has completely reinvented the beginning programmers tutorial, reflecting deep re-search into how todays beginners learn, and why other books fall short. Begin to Code with JavaScript is packed with innovations, including its Snaps library of pre-built operations that are easy to combine your own unique programs, Cookie Cutter templates that give you a flying start, and Make Something Happen projects that help you build skills by creating your own programs, not programs someone else has handed you. Throughout, Begin to Code with JavaScript balances playful exposition and illustration of programming fundamentals with your own creative input and youll never be more than a page or two away from making something unique and personal to you. It will help you: Start running JavaScript and understand how it works Construct web pages with HTML, and style them with CSS Work with and store data, make decisions, and repeat actions Use objects and create functions Take advantage of pre-built libraries and frameworks Create full applications and games from simple to complex Understand the social aspects of software development Test and debug your code with "What can go wrong" sections Use practical, downloadable code samples to jumpstart your own projects The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
Was versteht man unter Fairplay im Sport und warum ist es wichtig, dieses Prinzip zu befolgen?
Fairplay im Sport bedeutet, die Regeln und den Geist des Spiels zu respektieren, Fairness und Respekt gegenüber Gegnern und Schiedsrichtern zu zeigen und sich an die Spielregeln zu halten. Es ist wichtig, Fairplay zu befolgen, um ein faires und respektvolles Umfeld im Sport zu schaffen, das den Spaß und die Integrität des Spiels bewahrt und faire Wettkämpfe ermöglicht. Fairplay fördert außerdem Teamgeist, Zusammenarbeit und den Aufbau von positiven Beziehungen zwischen den Spielern.
Wie viele verschiedene Disziplinen werden bei den Highland Games traditionell ausgetragen und wie sind diese historisch entstanden?
Bei den Highland Games werden traditionell neun verschiedene Disziplinen ausgetragen. Diese sind historisch aus den traditionellen Fähigkeiten der schottischen Clans entstanden, um Stärke, Geschicklichkeit und Ausdauer zu messen. Dazu gehören unter anderem das Baumstammwerfen, das Hammerwerfen und der Steinstoß.
Was sind die berühmtesten olympischen Disziplinen und welche Länder haben in der Geschichte der Olympischen Spiele die meisten Medaillen gewonnen?
Die berühmtesten olympischen Disziplinen sind Leichtathletik, Schwimmen und Turnen. Die Länder mit den meisten Medaillen in der Geschichte der Olympischen Spiele sind die USA, die Sowjetunion/Russland und Deutschland.
Wie kann man die Performance eines Computers oder einer Website verbessern? Welche Faktoren beeinflussen die Performance eines Athleten bei einem Wettkampf?
Um die Performance eines Computers oder einer Website zu verbessern, kann man die Hardware aufrüsten, unnötige Programme schließen und regelmäßige Wartung durchführen. Die Performance eines Athleten bei einem Wettkampf wird durch Faktoren wie Training, Ernährung und mentale Stärke beeinflusst. Zudem spielen auch äußere Bedingungen wie Wetter und Untergrund eine Rolle.
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